Ff Continuous Preimage of Closed Set

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Preimage of closed set is closed implies function is continuous

  • Thread starter a6623
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a6623 Asks: Preimage of closed set is closed implies function is continuous
Let function $f$ be defined from $D \to \mathbb{R}$, $D \subset R$ closed. If the preimage of every closed set $A$ is closed, then $f$ is continuous.

I was trying to use the standard definition of continuity, so take arbitrary $x_0 \in D$ and show that $\forall \frac 1 m, \exists \frac 1 n. |x - x_0| < \frac 1 n \implies |f(x) - f(x_0) | < \frac 1 m$.

Take arbitrary $\frac 1 m$. Let $A$ be the closed set ranging from $[f(x_0 - \frac 1 m), f(x_0 + \frac 1 m)]$ and hence the closed preimage $f^{-1}(A)$ contains $x_0$ as well and also ranges over $[x_0 - \frac 1 m, x_0 + \frac 1 m]$.

Then we know that any $x \in f^{-1}(A)$ satisfies $|x - x_0| < \frac 1 m$ and it also follows that $f(x) \in A$ by definition of preimage, so $|f(x) - f(x_0)| < \frac 1 m$, showing convergence.

Does this proof work?

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  • Sandeep Bhutani
  • Computer Science
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Sandeep Bhutani Asks: Reinforcement Learning in NLP for chatbots
Is anyone aware of any successful implementation of reinforcement learning for NLP. I am looking to for chatbots which can learn automatically.

Tried searching internet but found very few articles like Reinforcement Learning For Natural Language Processing - Medium or papers like A Survey of Reinforcement Learning Informed by Natural Language.

But none of them provides a robust code which shows that it is working. Kindly suggest.

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  • Scarlettaeco
  • Computer Science
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Scarlettaeco Asks: Why is my Ubuntu installation going wrong?
enter image description here

so I have installed vscode and wsl extension, but when I tried to install Ubuntu this happened. I typed the shutdown and unregister commands, but for the latter the system says couldn't find corresponding distribution. I also have enabled linux subsystem in windows.

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  • lpuerto
  • Physics
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lpuerto Asks: Cleaning mold from windows
This been a quite humid winter here in Finland, and temps have been going over and below zero a lot of times. Something, that at least in the area were I live wasn't common.

I just notice than some mold has grown in the rear windows of my car. I don't think there is any leaks or anything, but every time temps go over zero the environment go incredible humid because all the snow around thawing.

I've asked a local auto hardware store if they have anything for mold and they've recommended me this.

Is there any better alternative?

I'm thinking to just brush the mold and then try to vacuum the residue. Would I do something else?


PS/ For some of you picture better where the problem is located… on the rear windows, on this kind of velvet that protect the window from the frame itself when it's rolling up and down. The glass of the window doesn't go all the way down by design, so the mold has developed in that part of the frame that even if you roll down the window, the glass is still around.

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  • talari suresh
  • Physics
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talari suresh Asks: Definition of Ensemble
Im studying statistical mechanics and came across the ensembles.

  1. Now system of large number of particles can be defined by an ensemble which contains elements (infinite of them) where each element is the mental copy of system at a particular time and time average of any quantity of system can be assumed as same as ensemble average (avg over these mental copies)
  2. In another book I saw that an ensemble can also be defined as a collection of a very large number of assemblies which are essentially independent of one another but which have been made macroscopically as identical as possible.

Now my doubt is that the element in the 1 case is same as assembly in case 2 or different? How they differ from one another?

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  • user4493605
  • Physics
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user4493605 Asks: Why do electric shocks send you flying?
One question which has recently been interesting me is: Why exactly do people get thrown back when they are shocked by electricity.

I have done some research to find the answer to this, and I am yet to find an answer. My personal and initial speculations were that the phenomenon was related to muscle spasms, however I highly doubt that clenched muscles would produce such a result.

Some of the material I have come across, have mentioned that the phenomenon is restricted to only AC power as opposed to DC. Whilst interesting, exactly how electric power is converted to kinetic energy when an individual touches a live wire or socket still remains unknown to me. To summarise:

- Is this entirely fictitious and not actual science, merely a by-product of Hollywood?

- Why do people go flying off when they touch a live wire?

- Is this restricted to AC currents?

- How is the electrical energy converted to kinetic energy which results in the victim flying?

I should also mention that my experience with physics is really limited to watching Brian Cox documentaries and basic knowledge/interest, this being said, please don't feel like you have to simplify anything; I am very interested.

Thanks in advance.

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  • jacklee26
  • Main forum
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jacklee26 Asks: How can I print a new line after specific N element of list in python [closed]
If I have a list like this: MY_LIST = [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'] How can I print a new line after the N index, for example

if N = 2, should print like this:

If N=3, should print like this:

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  • imida k
  • Mathematics
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imida k Asks: How do I know which kernel is handling which .nb file?
OS : window 10
Mathematica : v12.2

By my mistake, I opened another mathematica kernel, not knowing a kernel was already running.

I created a lot of .nb files and worked on them in another kernel, while one kernel was already running with many working .nb.

All .nb are still open.

In this state, how can I know which kernel is handling which .nb file?

I guess that there exist ID(a serial?) concept for both kernel and working .nb file.

And I guess that by executing some command on a working .nb, it is possible to figure out the ID of .nb file and the ID of kernel which handles the working .nb.

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Source: https://solveforum.com/forums/threads/preimage-of-closed-set-is-closed-implies-function-is-continuous.239818/

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